Friday, October 30, 2009

El Nuevo pequeno astronomo llego a casa

nombre:Isai Lozano
Peso: 8Lb,15oz

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Veil nebula with Atik 314L+ & NarrowBand

localizada en cygnus constelacion .
this is my second in narrowband:SII,H-alpha and OIII
exposure:SII=100min/H-alpha=70min and OIII=50min
scope:Borg 77EDII f6.6
mount:lx200gps 10in and wedge.
autoguide:10in fr6.3 dsi2 and PHD
processed:adobe photoshop cs3,aipwin4v2
camera: atik 314L+ and artemis capture

Horsehead Nebula With Atik 314L+ camera

Mi reciente toma de octubre.

This is my sister's favorite nebula and my too.
mount:lx200gps 10in &wedge
autoguide with dsi 2 ccd , phd software 10in scope fr6.3
scope:Borg77EDII F6.6
camera: Atik 314L+ temp at -5deg. dark frames
filter:astrodon 5nm h-alpha.
exposure:13x10min/1x6min. 136min total.
processed:adobephoto cs3,aip4winv2,carboni actions

The Veil Nebula -HAOIIISII filters

Exposure: HA=70min,OIII=50min,SII=100min
Camera: Atik 314L+
scope:Borg 77EDII F6.6
mount:lx200gps 10in & wedge
Autoguide with PHD and DSI IIpro ccd.