Monday, October 20, 2008

Double Cluster in Perseus

NGC884 & NGC 869 or double cluster located in perseus
Mount:Lx200gps 10in & meade Wedge.
Autoguide:PHD software DSI meade Fr3.3
scope: Borg 77EDII F4.7
Camera: Canon eos 40DH /orion L.pollution filter
exposure: 20min only.
location: Del amo campgnd.pyramid lake.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Region of Orion M42 & B33 & canon eos 40DH

Region of orion-hunter M42 nebula and horse's head nebula.
m42 is visible to naked eye,but hose's head is not visible to the naked eye.
a great cloud of cosmic dust and gases many years in diameter and 1500 ligth-year away.

used for autoguide:lx200gps 10in fr3.3 /DSI and meade wedge.
Borg 45EDII F4.7 and canon eos 40DH/filter orion ligth polluttion
exposure: 70min total/processed with APshopCS2 and carboni actions.

California Nebula

Mount:lx200gps 10in & Meade Wedge.
AutoGuide:Focal Reducer 3.3 meade DSI ccd/PHD software
Scope:Borg 45EDII F4.7
Camera:Canon 30DH and orion light pollution filter.
Exposure: 58min total
processed:ADPshopCS2/carboni actions.

Location: frazier Park Ca. star party.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

NGC6888 Nebula wide field

used borg super reducer f4.7 on my scope.
scope:Borg 77EDII F4.7
exposure: 42min total
mount:lx200gps 10in & wedge
filter:Orion light pollution
autoguide with dsi camera.
processed:APS cs2,carboni actions

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Omega or Swan M17 nebula

i like this image
Camera:Canon 40DH
scope:Borg 77EDII F4.3
autoguide:w/o 80mm & dsi ccd

location:mammoth lakes/sierra nevada.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

M8 &M20 Nebula Region of Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the southernmost of the zodiacal constellation.there are clouds of cosmic dust with no nearby stars to illuminate them.M8 lagoon nebula and other objects like M20,M24.

used:lx200gps 10in fr3.3 DSI and wedge for autoguide.
scope:Borg 77EDII F4.3 canon eos 40DH and orion light pollution filter
exposure:34min total.
processed with AFShopCS2/carboni actions.

Location:Frazier Park,Ca. star party.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

M27 Nebula wide Field

camera:Canon 40DH
exposure: only 20min total
mount:lx200gps & wedge
scope:Borg 45mm F4.7
autoguide :dsi ccd camera
processed:adobephotoshop Cs2
carboni actions and registax

Saturday, July 5, 2008

North America Nebula or NGC7000

This beautiful nebula is located in cygnus constelation.right side is a pelican nebula.
i love this nebula. God is wonderful.
mount:lx200gps 10in & meade Wedge
Autoguide:PHD software DSI ccd FR3.3
Scope:Borg 45EDII F4.7 and orion light pollution filter.
Camera: Canon eos 40DH
processed:AdobephotoshopCS2/carboni actions.
exposure: 30min total.

Location: Del amo Campgnd,pyramid lake

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Veil Nebula wide field

super wide field with super reducer
camera: 30DH
mount:lx200gps 10in & wedge
scope:Borg 77EDII F4.7
exposure: only 44min. total
processed:adobephotoshop CS2,carboni actions & registax

location:pyramid lake.

M20 & M8 nebula

exposure: just 37min total
camera:Canon 40DH
mount:lx200gps & wedge 10in
scope:Borg 45mm & f4.7 super reducer .66X
autoguide with dsi camera