Saturday, August 29, 2009

M27 in NarrowBand

Mi primera toma en narrowBand filtros H-alpha/OIII y SII.
tomada con la camera Atik 314L+ a una temp -5deg.
procesada en adobe photoshop CS3,aip4winv2.
montura:LX200gps 10in y wedge
scope:Borg 77EDII.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Light with Atik 314L+

the Veil nebula(NGC6960) is a collection of nebula in cygnus.whitch was created about 30,000
years ago by a supernova explosion.
This nebula is about 1,800 light-years distant.
used:autoguide with lx200gps 10in Fr3.3 and DSI
piggyback scope:borg 77EDII F6.6 and .
Camera:Atik 314L+ at -5deg.
filter astrodon 5nm/.
processed with APShop CS3/aip4winV2 and carboni actions.
Exposure:2x10min/1x5min.shot 45min before sunrise.

location:Del amo campgrnd pyramid lake,Ca

M27 Planetary Nebula

Name Dumbble nebula in Vulpecula(the fox) constellation.this nebula was discovered by CH.Messier in 1769.visual magnitude 7.5it is easily visible in binoculars, and a popular observing target in amateur telescopes.
i used: Autoguide with lx200gps 10in Fr3.3 Dsi ccd/piggyback borg 77EDII F6.6 and Atik 314L+at -5deg.
ccd.Astrodon filter H-alpha 5nm.
processing with :APShop CS3/aip4winV2/matttaylor tutorial and carboni actions.

location:Del amo campgrnd pyramid lake.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

M8 Nebula & filter H-Alpha & Atik 314L+

This is my wife's favorite nebula.

The Lagoon Nebula (catalogued as messier 8 or M8, and as NGC 6523) is a giant interstellar cloud in the constellation Sagittarius. visible to the naked eye from mid-northern latitudes.The Lagoon Nebula is estimated to be 4,100 light-years from the Earth.

This photo taken with my new Atik 314L+ ccd at -5deg. used scope Borg 77EDII F6.6 autoguide with lx200gps 10in fr3.3 DSi and wedge.
used filter astrodon 5nm H-alpha. the exposure 45min total.
processing with APshopCS3/aip4winV2 and carboni actions

Location:Del amo campgrnd pyramid lake.Ca