Sunday, September 28, 2008

Region of Orion M42 & B33 & canon eos 40DH

Region of orion-hunter M42 nebula and horse's head nebula.
m42 is visible to naked eye,but hose's head is not visible to the naked eye.
a great cloud of cosmic dust and gases many years in diameter and 1500 ligth-year away.

used for autoguide:lx200gps 10in fr3.3 /DSI and meade wedge.
Borg 45EDII F4.7 and canon eos 40DH/filter orion ligth polluttion
exposure: 70min total/processed with APshopCS2 and carboni actions.

California Nebula

Mount:lx200gps 10in & Meade Wedge.
AutoGuide:Focal Reducer 3.3 meade DSI ccd/PHD software
Scope:Borg 45EDII F4.7
Camera:Canon 30DH and orion light pollution filter.
Exposure: 58min total
processed:ADPshopCS2/carboni actions.

Location: frazier Park Ca. star party.